Best Credit Card Readers: 2022 您所在的位置:网站首页 sale card Best Credit Card Readers: 2022

Best Credit Card Readers: 2022

2024-01-25 23:05| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Moving from all-in-one with Shopify to one-and-done with PayAnywhere, the 2-in-1 Bluetooth Credit Card Reader is a simple and cheap way to take customer payments on the go. This reader lets you accept traditional magstripe credit cards and EMV chip cards—a lot of functionality at such a low price tag.

Purchasing a reader also grants you access to PayAnywhere’s Payments Hub, a software package equipped with business management tools, data-driven reports, and a  virtual terminal.

PayAnywhere isn’t the most loved credit card processing company. It’s user reviews complain of poor customer service. But its reader comes with a price tag below $40 and an affordable 2.69% transaction rate. These low costs make the PayAnywhere PAR-1 mobile card reader a smart choice for food trucks, boutique storefronts, and pop-up retailers.

If you need to save a buck and want to process credit cards, the PayAnywhere reader is a great choice.






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